Friday, December 4, 2009

Structure is My Enemy

Structure is my enemy. All structure. Even the structure of this blog has started to annoy me, so I'm changing it. From now on, I'll just tell you in some UNstructured way what I'm doing, or mention something that I find interesting, or maybe I'll just rant.

I mean, does anybody really care what book I'm reading? I haven't noticed Youngblood Hawke suddenly shooting to the top of Amazon's sales chart. Besides, this week I started The History of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, in 8 volumes. That should take a while. I will, though, try to find a picture of myself in a toga.

You can count on one thing: every Friday there will be a new MP3 for you to download. Other than that, I may blog more than once a week, but for sure every Friday there will be a new post and a new MP3.

This week's song, I Thought About You, (written by Jimmy van Heusen and Johnny Mercer) is a last minute replacement, because I actually ERASED this week's song, which I had recorded a few days ago. George Doerner, nationally known as one of the smoothest trumpet players around, recorded I Thought About You a couple of years ago in our studio, with moi at the piano. I listened to this recording a couple of weeks ago, and thought, "Man, that piano player is good." (I like me, who do you like?) George Doerner lives in Savannah, Georgia, which I think is THE most beautiful city in the United States.

See you next week. Feel free to leave a comment, with questions or requests. IS ANYBODY READING THIS?!

George Doerner cruising in Savannah

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Welcome to my News Page. This is where you will find up to the minute information about recording projects, new releases, upcoming performances and more. You will want to visit every week because each FridayI will be offering a new original song for you to! In addition, from time to time I will be sharing studio happenings, what I am listening to, favorite books, and glimpses into my personal life. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions on what you would like to know about me and my music.


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